Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shit happens

Somehow I managed to get a virus on my computer. I'm currently trying to work it out. Sorry for the lack of posts in the meantime!
Ich hab es irgendwie geschafft mir einen Virus auf meinen Computer zu holen. Ich arbeite daran!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Anyone can play guitar

Tuesday is guitar day. My awesome teacher Tobi regulary (once a week) tries to teach me some stuff. I don't really know about my talent but it's a lot of fun, especially since Tobi and I kinda like the same music. No chubby old country guitar teacher for me. YAY! He has a nice little collection of guitars and one of them is meant to be played by me. I really hope I can sneak it out one day... I'm working on it!
Dienstags habe ich immer Gitarrenunterricht. Keine Ahnung ob ich Talent habe und ob jemals was draus wird, auf jeden Fall machts riiiieeesen Spaß (meistens ;D). Zum Glück mögen mein Lehrer Tobi und ich so ziemlich die gleiche Musik, das macht das ganze noch viel besser! Er hat eine sehr schöne Sammlung an Gitarren und eine davon ist mir besonders ans Herz gewachsen.  Vielleicht schaffe ichs ja irgendwann mal sie mitgehen zu lassen. ;)

Just a small peak of the collection

Fun Tobi holding my future guitar!

He also has a band called Ron Jambo. You should check them out some time!
Tobi ist in einer Band namens Ron Jambo. Hört mal rein!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Get some colours on

I'm not much of a girly girl but I really have a thing for nail polish. It makes me look a little less boring and it looks awesome while playing the guitar! H&M has some great colours in stores right now and I couldn't resist and added two to my already huge collection.  I usually stick to OPI and Butter London and they are in fact better but with a price of 3,95 Euros each they are really holding up and I like them a lot more than P2 and other cheap brands.
Ich hab mal wieder zugeschlagen. Und zwar sind zwei Nagellacke von H&M in meine große Sammlung gewandert. Ich bin alles andere als ein Girly und trage seltenst Schmuck etc. Das stetige Wechseln von knalligen Nagellacken lässt mich also zumindest ein bisschen interessanter wirken und außerdem sieht es einfach genial aus beim Gitarre spielen. :) Meistens kaufe ich doch die teuren Lacke von OPI und Butter London, aber bei einem Preis von 3,95 Euro konnte ich einfach nicht widerstehen. Und ich finde sie auch um einiges besser als P2 etc.

Also Paul woke me up this morning by nudging me in the face with his soft paws. He's my favourite alarm clock.
Paul hat mich heute morgen mal wieder aufgeweckt, indem er mich mit seinen weichen Pfoten im Gesicht anstupst. Die schönste Art aufzuwachen!

Christmas Wishlist (so far)

I always had something big and expensive I had to wish for christmas the last couple of years. A washing machine, a bed, a car... But this year is different and I couldn't be more excited. I thought of a few things I really want to have but which I don't really need! Shouldn't it be that way?


Nachdem ich nun schon von mehreren Seiten gehört habe, dass das Englisch für einige ein Problem ist, werde ich ab jetzt auch zusätzlich in Deutsch schreiben.

Ich habe mir schon mal über meinen Wunschzetter für Weihnachten Gedanken gemacht. Die letzten Jahre musste ich mir leider immer irgendetwas großes, teures und leider nützliches wünschen. Waschmaschine, Bett, Zuschuß zum Auto.. Dieses Jahr ist das zum Glück anders und ich freue mich riesig! Auf meiner Wunschliste sind (fast) nur Dinge die ich nicht wirklich brauche und die ich mir selbst nicht gönnen würde. Ich bin nämlich manchmal ein kleiner Geizhals wenn es um mich selbst geht... ;)

owl pillow from Urban Outfitters, Neon subscripiton, grey boots from Frontlineshop, Harry Potter DVD 1-7, Urbanears in tomato red, backpack from Billabong (for school), bedspread from Urban Outfitters, flowery union jack pillow from Urban Outfitters, Converse bag (for school), school book, fisheye Lomo

I'm Merula's Giveaway

Merle is doing a giveaway! All you need to do is comment below her post and you can win a book, earrings and nail polish! And when you're already there go and check the rest of her blog out as well ;)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Bye Bye Birdie

I love my apartment. I love to have a bedroom and a livingroom. But I also love to have company. So tomorrow will be my last day on my own. Let's have a look at how my apartment used to look... and hope it will look as lovely after the big moving-in storm is over.

bed room

living room


Water Marbling

The amazing blogger Keiko Lynn posted this tutorial for water marbling some time ago. I tried it myself and was amazed when it actually worked.

I actually tried it again before and found out that the filtered water is the key!

Breakfast in Bed

This was one of the very (VERY) rare days when Paul and Miri let me sleep in. I didn't get up until 11 am! I kinda felt like the day is already lost so I decided to be lazy and eat breakfast in bed. Best idea ever! :D

Cheesecake leftovers and hot cocoa with vanilla :3

Paul is sleeping in too

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let's go for a ride

This was such a busy today. I had two friends over to help me downsizing from two rooms to one room. There was lots of furniture to move and carry downstairs. I don't think I was much of a help but hey, i prepared lunch and a cake! This must count at least a little. ;)

After they left my apartment looked like a battle field but I decided not to care and drove to the stables to go for a ride with Candy. Sadly the amazing golden fall light was gone when I finally hopped on but here are some pictures anyways:

Bringing her in from the pasture. She is certainly not amused. ;)

On your marks, get set, go! (Btw look at the shaved racing stripes xD)

Lovely weather!

We met this fella on our way and let me tell you, he wasn't amused.

Looks like Candy knows there is some serious galloping about to happen!

Back home and very comfy in this warm cosy blanket.

Candys favourite recipe. So easy, so yummy.

Night night guys!

Tonight will still be very busy, I need to fill out my application for school next year, clean up the kitchen (heaven help me pls D:) and prepare a few packets for tomorrow. But for now I will sit down and enjoy the leftovers from this amazing nut mix I bought yesterday!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Ich hab mal wieder meinen Kleiderkreisel ein wenig aufgefüllt. Klickt hier um mal zu stöbern!

And I just found out that the cats ate a huge hole in the cake. Stupid me didn't close the door. Oh how much I love them...

My (second) favourite Cheesecake

Tomorrow I will reduce my living space from two rooms to one room and 3 days later my new roomie is going to move in! I am expecting some help for tomorrow and to thank them properly I decided to bake a cake.

I really have a thing for cheesecake and I'm always glad to have an excuse to make one. It's actually only my second favourite recipe. For my favourite I need some Strawberries and I refuse to buy them at this time of the year. It's more of a/my birthday cake anyways!  ;D

What you need for the cake:

(sorry for the german measurements)

For the dough:
200g flour
75g sugar
75g margarine
1 egg
1/2 pack backing soda

For the filling:
125g margarine
225g sugar
1 pack vanilla sugar
1 pack vanilla custard powder
3 eggs
500g curd cheese
125g sour cream
200g cream

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then mix all the ingredients for the dough and put it aside. (Btw I just loooove to do stuff with my hands. Kneading dough must be one of my favourite things to do xD)

Put the margarine, the sugar, the vanilla sugar, the custard powder and the eggs in a bowl and stir it till it's even. Then mix in the curd cheese and the sour cream. Whip the cream and stir it under the rest of the filling. It's done! :D Now cover the greased cake pan with the dough and make sure to pull it up on the rim.

Last step: Put the filling on the cake bottom.

The cake has to bake for about an hour. I like it a little bit darker so i didn't take it out for about 70 minutes. TADAAAA!

It's a really really quick one but tastes like heaven! Incredibly fluffy!

Tune of the night:

With a little help from my friends - Joe Cocker

Really, thanks for the help dudes...

Markt der Sinne - Market of Senses

Today I've been to this very nice market at the Praterinsel. There was a lot of DIY stuff to look at. A big hall full of jewellery, clothes, art and food. I loved it!

This is what I bought:

  • Vanilla Chai Tea Latte
  • Apple Cinnamon Spice for baked apples, hot wine punch and rice pudding (winter can come now)
  • Homemade Vinaigrette for tomato salad

  • A wrap skirt 
  • Hot cocoa in different flavours (I couln't decide which one to get so I got those little ones to try them out)
  • This awesome unicorn cookie cutter

I also bought some unicorn gift wrapping paper which i gave to my grandma right away  so she knows how to decorate my presents this christmas ;)

Yesterday I... on Pauls nerves.

...took pictures of funny dudes.

...found out my hair is long enough to wear pigtails.

...ate Soul Food. (Sushi Wrap is THE shit)

...shared a tear for this little fella.

The start of something new

After years of reading lovely blogs I finally decided to try it myself. Let's see how this will work.