Saturday, November 5, 2011

Markt der Sinne - Market of Senses

Today I've been to this very nice market at the Praterinsel. There was a lot of DIY stuff to look at. A big hall full of jewellery, clothes, art and food. I loved it!

This is what I bought:

  • Vanilla Chai Tea Latte
  • Apple Cinnamon Spice for baked apples, hot wine punch and rice pudding (winter can come now)
  • Homemade Vinaigrette for tomato salad

  • A wrap skirt 
  • Hot cocoa in different flavours (I couln't decide which one to get so I got those little ones to try them out)
  • This awesome unicorn cookie cutter

I also bought some unicorn gift wrapping paper which i gave to my grandma right away  so she knows how to decorate my presents this christmas ;)


  1. Schöner Blog! Ich mag' deinen Header. ;)


  2. DANKE! Das freut mich total! Mal sehen wie sichs entwickelt... :)
